Saturday, December 18, 2010

The difference between girls and boys...

Our bedtime ritual consists of everyone piling into Mackenzie's bed, reading a book, saying prayers, reading another book, singing a couple of songs, and then goodnight kisses. This was the input from our children tonight. Wow! What a big difference between boys and girls.


As I’m turning out Mackenzie’s bedroom light:
Me: Goodnight Mackenzie. I love you more than pickles.
Mackenzie: I love you more than yogurt.

Jackson (after just having his diaper changed): “I need to go potty!”
Brian: No, you just went!
Jackson: Then I toot!
Brian: Let’s hear it!
Jackson: You heard that?!?!?


  1. I love you more than 2 bowls of Cocoa Pebbles, 3 bowls of soup, a granola bar, 1/2 Totinos pizza, a whole Big Mac, 6 orders of french fries, and apples dipped in melted peanut butter <3

  2. and I'm sure Brian was just as happy with his conversation as you were with yours.

  3. That's awesome. Kids kick a$$>

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